Native plants in New Providence, NJ area
Plant Databases – What to plant in my yard New Jersey specific Mid-Atlantic region North America including New Jersey There are two types of keystone plants: Keystone plants are native plants critical...
Plant Databases – What to plant in my yard New Jersey specific Mid-Atlantic region North America including New Jersey There are two types of keystone plants: Keystone plants are native plants critical...
Community Planning / Safe Routes / Start here
by Cecile Seth · Published September 19, 2019 · Last modified November 15, 2019
Want to find New Providence’s most family-friendly walk and bike routes? Check out our new map of New Providence Walk and Bike Paths. We developed the following designations for non-rush hour traffic. Green...
Community Planning / Safe Routes / Start here
by Cecile Seth · Published May 19, 2019 · Last modified November 12, 2019
New Providence school children walked and biked their way to a new $430,000 grant, for a total of $892,000 including the $462,000 we won in 2017. The award was announced Friday, May...
Reduce school traffic in September with these easy steps. Between the first day of school and Back to School night we are all a bit crazed. A little planning will help a...
Celebrate New Providence Borough winning Safe Routes to School Gold recognition. Available on our 9/12 District Walk to School Day and at Back to School nights. Honor our Kids with Safe Routes...
Document your walk to school with #WalkNP on social media, especially Instagram or Twitter. Then, when grant application windows open, we will have the evidence to win.
NPHS / NPMS MAIN ENTRANCE – As of the 2022-2023 school year, the Front Circle is closed to dropoff traffic (excepting buses.) Instead Pioneer (and Balcom) are now one way streets. The...
DROP-n-GO options for Salt Brook Elementary School
Lead like a golden retriever is a low risk and effective way to deal with school districts. Many parents are afraid to speak in public meetings, or even attend. We don’t want to...
Give experiences for the Holidays to build great family memories. Our best come when we listen and incorporate each person’s interests. This holiday take time to really be present. Our attention is a wonderful gift to give.