Traffic counts help us understand vehicular traffic patterns and reduce bottle necks.
Summary of Central Ave, Balcolm St. & Spring St. Traffic Counts
- At 7:30 to 7:35 a line of cars exiting Balcolm formed briefly.
- 7:40 – 8:00 A long line of cars formed waiting to exit Balcolm St onto Central Ave. Line backed up onto Pioneer. Cold rainy weather there were fewer kids biking and walking and more being driven. Peak through traffic on Central is also from 7:50 to 8am.
- Peak traffic time on Central Avenue is from 7:50 to 8:20
Options for Drivers
- Drivers in a hurry at peak times could use Drop and Go options on Spring Street and Mee Lane.
- 7:40am to 8:00 am peak – Encouraging pedestrians crossing Central Avenue to use Balcolm Road crosswalk instead of Spring Street crosswalk will enable cars to exit Balcolm to the left, which may improve long wait to exit from Middle School/High School. Once both crosswalks are painted, perhaps put a traffic cone in south entrance to Spring St. crosswalk will help.
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