A walkability audit was conducted on October 12, 2018 on streets around South Street between Oakwood Drive and Central Avenue in order to assess the conditions for bicycling and walking. This audit also documents areas in need of infrastructure improvements and makes recommendations.
This section of South Street is used by students who walk and bike to school as well as commuters who walk from several sections of town to the Murray Hill Train Station. It is also used to get access to Central Ave, main route to A. W. Roberts School.
Based on a walkability survey several barriers and concerns have been observed that could be dangerous for pedestrians walking to and from school and to and from the train station:
Sidewalk ends in front of St. Andrews Church/School. No crosswalks or sidewalks until Woodland Rd. Limited visibility of upcoming traffic. South St and Oldwood Rd crosswalk. No sidewalk or crosswalk. Main route for pedestrians to the Murray Hill train station at South St and Southgate. Vegetation blocking the sidewalk. Walkability audit South St to train
Driving Behavior Concerns:
- Several serious accidents in that section of South St in the last 3 months, caused by speeding and/or driving under the influence.
- Drivers constantly drive over the local speed limit in that section of South St. The problem had become worst after new asphalt was installed.
- Drivers failing to stop for pedestrians trying to cross South St both in front of Oldwood Rd and Woodland Rd.
- Poor visibility for drivers to see pedestrian crosswalk in Oldwood Rd and South St while driving north on South St. This occurs because the crosswalk is located right after a curve and a slope.
- Frequently cars stop in the middle of the road, waiting to cross upcoming traffic to enter their driveways or entering/exiting St. Andrews Church/School.
Pedestrian Concerns:
- Jaywalking in section between Oldwood Rd and Woodland Rd where there are no crosswalks.
- Walking on the road in section from number 418 to number 352 where there is no sidewalk on the east side.
- Oldwood Rd and Woodland Rd. crosswalks are quite busy and we could observe cars speeding and not stopping for pedestrians trying to cross.
- Poor visibility for pedestrians to see upcoming traffic while using the crosswalk on South st and Oldwood rd. This occurs because the crosswalk is located right after a curve and a slope.
- Jogger running on the road on South St (east side), instead of the sidewalk. The sidewalk is blocked by high vegetation (bamboo) and fallen tree limbs between Oakwood Dr and Oldwood Rd.
Infrastructure Concerns:
- Lack of sidewalk on the East side of South St from number 418 to number 352.
- Lack of crosswalks on South St from number 418 to number 352, where there is high pedestrian traffic because of St. Andrews Church/School and the pedestrian route to the Murray Hill train station.
- Lack of signage to warn drivers driving north on South St of upcoming crosswalk on Oldwood Rd.
Short term changes and recommendations:
- Install school zone and pedestrian signs on South St. close to St. Andrews Church/School.
- Police enforcement zone around school to limit distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence.
- Install signage to warn drivers driving north on South St of upcoming crosswalk on Oldwood Rd.
- Enforce constant trimming of bamboo vegetation blocking the sidewalk, in front of number 479 (east side sidewalk).
- Paint Speed limit warnings on the road in this section.
- Install pedestrian crossing the middle of the road on Oldwood Rd crossing and new crossings.
Infrastructure repairs and changes:
- Install crosswalks on South St in front of St. Andrews Church/School, Ethan Dr and Southgate Rd.
- Extend sidewalk on the East side of South St from number 418 to number 352.
- Narrow South Street in the section between Oldwood Rd and Southgate painting middle lane for turns.