Safe routes to New Providence High School and Middle School

Consider Drop Off Options beyond the Front Circle. [Being updated, Summer 2022]
NPHS / NPMS MAIN ENTRANCE – As of the 2022-2023 school year, the Front Circle is closed to dropoff traffic (excepting buses.) Instead Pioneer (and Balcom) are now one way streets. The right-most lane of Pioneer alongside the school facility is a DROP OFF ZONE of ~30 carlengths. The first car should pull all the way forward, past the front circle exit, before stopping and discharging passengers. Then after carefully checking traffic, merge into the left/through lane as the rest of Pioneer and the first part of Balcom now allow parking in the rightmost lane. Toward the end of Balcom, the parking stops and there are once more TWO LANES – one to exit right onto Central and one for making a left hand turn onto Central.
The MUSIC WING and SCIENCE WING drop-offs are no longer permitted.
DROP-n-GO only
Our DROP-n-GO‘s are safe locations where a parent can drop their child at New Providence High School (NPHS) / Middle School (NPMS) and go on to their destination. They are a short distance from school, often in view of a crossing guard and along a sidewalk. They enable the driver to avoid congested areas. PARK-n-WAIT’s are 4 less crowded places to meet.
NPHS / NPMS off-site DROP-n-GO’s and 4 less crowded places to PARK-n-WAIT for your student.
POOL PARKING LOT – Traffic enters from Springfield Ave, North of school. Drop students near bridge. Snow plowed for students.
SPRING STREET – Traffic coming from the South. Please no U-turns. Students exit onto sidewalk. Use crossing guard to cross Central and Balcom. Walk along Balcom and Pioneer to New Providence High School & Middle School.
MEE Lane – Traffic coming from the West. No sidewalks, so students should exit on the same side of the road as the school bridge! Miss the traffic completely. Drivers should watch until your student has crossed the foot bridge.
GALES Drive– Traffic coming from the East. Turn onto Gales, go a few car lengths forward, and have students exit right onto sidewalk. Within sight of OLP (Our Lady of Peace) crossing guard. Do NOT use OLP parking lot!
Alternative Gales – Traffic coming from the East. Location is NOT within sight of the OLP crossing guard, but has a direct sidewalk to that guard. Turn off Gales onto 5th street and have students exit right onto the curb PARK and WAIT.
If you want a printed version for your car here is your PDF version NPHS / NPMS DROP & GO Handout [OUTDATED!]

Junior Pioneer scouts Safe Routes to New Providence Middle School
Other useful New Providence Interactive Map features
Plan your walk or drive to New Providence schools, recreation and work with our interactive maps
- PARK-n-WALK suggestions marked in dark purple along sidewalks.
- PARK-n-WAIT. Come later and have your kids walk to your car away from traffic.
- Bike Rack locations shown.
- Click on a crossing guard or DROP-n-GO to see their times or further details.
In a hurry? Our tips
- Pull ALL the way forward during drop off to allow more cars to drop off at once during periods of high congestion.
- Turn right instead of left. It’s faster. If there is a line of cars behind you, then consider turning right instead of left – Especially when exiting Balcom to Central Ave or High Street to South Street
- Drop off your students earlier.
- Use a DROP-n-GO or PARK-n-WAIT – See our 8 options above.
- Have your child walk or bike.
- Avoid the front circle a few times a week and overall traffic will improve.
- Ten ways to reduce school traffic next September provides detail.

Pioneer uses #WalkNP to help win grants
Help us win free money! #WalkNP
- We win Safe Routes to School Grants by demonstrating that we use our sidewalks to folks who have never been here.
- Take a picture of your family walking to or school, preferably excluding kids faces. Walking Wednesdays or any day.
- Document your walk or roll with #WalkNP and post to Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
- Report obstacles and hazards through the borough website’s contact us page.
- Think an intersection on your route could be safer, but the solution is expensive? Prove it with pictures, bring state and federal tax dollars home, and win our next Safe Routes to School grant.
- For the last grant, state officials said we had the best documentation that they had seen!
- Bring home a celebratory gold patch this fall
Useful Safe Routes to School Links for town
- Times and locations for New Providence Crossing Guards
New Providence Middle School’s PTO Website’s Safe Routes to School for
- Communications from Principals
- District Walk/Bike to School Days – Usually the 2nd week of school and near Earth Day
- DROP-n-GO pages for Allen W. Roberts and Salt Brook Schools.
- Routes of Travel – The safest way to walk or bike to school for each neighborhood. Also where to be careful.
- New Providence Middle School has won NJ Safe Routes to School’s Silver level of recognition and we helped the Borough win Gold. (Recognition program is K-8.) Thanks everyone for your help!
- See our School Travel Plan for an overview of our efforts.
Background on New Providence High School and New Providence Middle School
New Providence Middle School & New Providence High School are co-located
35 Pioneer Dr
New Providence, NJ 07974-1515
NPHS Phone: (908) 464-4700
NPMS Phone: (908) 464-9161
Public | Grades: NPMS 7-8, NPHS 9-12
District: New Providence School District
- Middle School ~370 students
- High School ~675 students
- Middle School 7:55 am to 2:40 pm
- High School 7:44 am – 2:46 pm
- Building opens at 7:15 am
6 Responses
[…] Safe Routes to New Providence Middle and High School […]
[…] Separate pages for Allen W. Roberts and New Providence Middle and High School […]
[…] New Providence Middle School and High School […]
[…] New Providence Middle and High Schools […]
[…] Mayapples are one of the most noticeable Spring flowers on your way to school, if you walk by any moist, hummus-rich wooded areas. For example, the back path to Allen W. Roberts from Commerce Drive or many backyards. The leaves often pop up and unfurl in early March or the first while the flower blooms in May. Mayapples spread slowly, with colonies spreading 4-6″ a year. Encourage our kids to tread lightly around the edges of a grouping. Once a seed germinates it might not produce a flower for 12 years. Single leafed plants don’t produce fruit and the foliage has often faded by late June. In some places it covers the forest floor as can be seen in Reeve’s Reed Arboretum’s upper Woodland Trail between the Wisner House and Hobart Avenue. Such very large colonies might be 100 years old. While you’re looking for Mayapples look out for Dangerously Beautiful Poison Ivy on your way to School in New Providence. Find out more about our Safe Routes to Allen W. Roberts and New Providence Middle School. […]
[…] High School and Middle School […]